Sunday, December 11, 2011

Getting Ready 12/11/11

So December is here and the last blog was awhile ago but it seems like just yesterday that I posted it. Last weekend my best friend Sarah was married and we had so much fun. I know she was really stressed out that last couple of weeks. But in the end it all came out wonderful. She had me do a reading for the ceremony, which I had to try and keep my composure. I tend to be a emotional person, maybe I'm an empath, lol who knows. But my Maid of Honor speech was good and I held it together for that. I wish her so much happiness on her new chapter!

We've started packing and going through all our possessions to see what is coming with us into this new chapter and what isn't. Sometimes it's hard, even though it's only stuff. We've created our own little life together over the last 12 plus years and now we have to narrow it all down to fit in a 10 foot truck. So much has to go! I guess it's sort of like a detox of items.

Through out this whole process so far we have been each others support, staying positive even though the hardest part is yet to come. There are moments when we realize how close our move date is an we freak a little because there is still so much to do! We are still looking for a place. I think that is the hardest part so far. We live across the country from where we are moving so we cannot go see apartments to see if we like the neighborhoods. Lucky for us we have some friends and family that live out there to give us some advice.

We have been getting so much advice from everywhere. Most are excited and happy for us. Some show concern that we might fail. We've thought about that. We just want to be happy and have no regrets. We are going out there with a positive attitude and hope for the best. If we go out there and things don't work out, well at least we tried and that is not a failure. We would come back to New Jersey not with are tails tucked between our legs, but with our heads held high. We would be proud of the fact that we gave it our best. It will be how we feel in our hearts that will matter most and not the perception of this new adventure will be to others.

I think that's it for now. Lenny will be posting a new blog in a few days.

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