Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thoughts about the past year.

Life is moving pretty fast now, it's starting to get to be that time to say our goodbyes and pack the truck for the journey ahead. It's bitter sweet knowing that we will be leaving soon. So many good times were made and good relationships that we've made over the years. Hopefully there will be many more good times and memories to make in the future.
Something that has been particularly difficult for me this past year was loosing Vinnie (Vincent Lombardo). I've lost people before in my life and that is something that never gets easier to deal with. There are only a few who really know how hard that was for me, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him or what he has given me in my life. There were a lot of crazy times in our lives. I feel like we lived enough for two lifetimes by the time we where in our early twenties. More recently I think you saw something in me that I failed to see in myself, during a time when that was exactly what I needed. You showed me that it was ok to do what made me happy regardless of what people may think of me. You made me strive to be the best that I could be not only for myself but for the people around me that cared. I can't put into words how thankful I am that you took time to help me work out some of my other problems when you had your own to worry about. I just wish I could have been there for you the way that you where for me.
Now that a year has passed by so fast, I want you to know that I will never forget you and what you did for me. I will spend each and everyday running towards the happiness that we deserve in our lives. I will continue to press forward and look for the success in life that we always knew we would have when we talked about life when we where younger. When the time comes that we find everything that we are looking for I know that I can look up and know that you are smiling down on us.

I love and miss you Vinnie...


  1. Very nice post Lenny. I didn't know your friend Vinnie but here is a quote that came to mind that may help you. "When a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind him, lies on the paths of men."-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  2. Lenny, Blog Looks Great! I know how you feel at this at this bleak time of year. Keep doing what your doing and we'll catch up soon.
    Chris tighe
