Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A lot of lasts

It's the end of October and we realize that as we participate in outings with friends and family, that some of them will be our last. And as the holidays approach there will be many more lasts.

Every year for the last 5 years we've gone to Eastmont Orchards in Colts Neck to go apple and pumpkin picking with our friends. It's funny to watch the evolution of life. 5 years ago we were couples and as we grew older we became married couples. Then married couples buying houses and more recently with children. We're all staking our claim at the American dream. This year was so much fun to watch all our friends with their kids exploring and discovering and making memories that as they get older will remember fondly. Bittersweet this year was. The hardest part is knowing next year they will gather and make more memories, without us. Sometimes there are moments when I can totally relate to the final scene in The Wizard of Oz. Who are we going to miss most? Who is going to be the hardest good-bye? The Spodeks? The Pignataros? I don't think there is an answer. They all have very special places in our hearts, they have all helped us grow and discover new things about life and ourselves.

Some have been friends for years too numerous to count, others recently. But it is not the time that makes one a friend but the experiences you share together. While sometimes you grow apart, that doesn't change the heart. Some know secrets that only they would understand. We share our joys and sorrow. Show support at times when we feel like we are falling and rejoice with them in times of triumph. How does one say good-bye to these friends and memories? With technology there are so many ways to stay in touch. But the thought of being thousands miles away does break ones heart just a little.

One of the lasts is the Zombie Walk in Asbury Park. We usually miss the walk but that's not the important part. The important part is hanging with friends in a place where we made so many memories when we were much younger. In our younger years this is a place that one would not dare go at night. But we did and we watch the sun come up over the sea on some nights. Most memories are happy but one twists a knife inside to speak of it. This is the place where one who was wise beyond his years. Everyone's friend, gave his coat to the needy. He made sure that a person would know their true value and to never settle. He lost his life here just being a boy and looking for adventure. Now his memory survives through his sisters, his mom and his family. They are all amazing and we are thankful everyday for all the support they have given to us in our new adventure and over the years. It's not hard to see why he spoke so highly of his love and admiration for them. We know that Michael is an ever constant presence in our life.

Wow! I feel like I'm writing a chapter in my life then writing a blog. I guess sometimes you can't stop the words from flowing. We'll I guess that it for October. There will be more to share as the year comes to end.

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