Sunday, January 15, 2012

We Made It!

Sorry we haven't put up a blog in the last two days. We arrived on Thursday night and started moving in right away! We didn't want to spent another night in a hotel or sleep on the air mattress. We wanted our own bed!
So lets rewind a little and go back to Thursday morning. We got up early with the intention of stopping at the Grand Canyon. I took a quick shower but didn't dry my hair...big mistake! We stayed the night in Flagstaff, AZ...did you know it was 20 degrees in Flagstaff on Thursday? We were freezing and not as prepared as we should have been for that cold, considering we came from Jersey. We stopped to get gas and I pulled to close to the pump. Long story short we took the car off the trailer and the trailer off the truck and moved everything manually just like our first night. We lost an hour and half so no Grand Canyon but I got a nice head cold from being outside with wet hair! Ironically the only person to help us was a man who use to live in New York!
So I drove through Arizona and crossed the state line into California! I can't speak for Lenny but I know for myself it was a very overwhelming moment. All those long hours and bumps in the road paid off! We were in our new home state. 3 time zones and 2800 miles from all of our friends and family. From that point on I think we were like kids in a candy store, just in awe that we really did this. We continued  on Route 40 to a state line checkpoint, the only one we encountered. We stopped in Needles, CA to switch drivers and gas up. What a change in the weather I think it was 56 degrees in Needles. The longest stretch of road with no exits or rest stops was from Needles to Barstow. Mostly because you pass through the Mojave National Preserve and then there is the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms. We started to see palm trees and before we knew it we were on Route 15 and 2 hours from "home".
Ok so I know I said the longest stretch was from Needles to Barstow, well the closer we got to the apartment the longer it seemed to take. But we made it. Signed our lease and started unpacking the truck so we could get to the bed and then we called a night. Oh and by the way Rob thanks for all your boaters knots, Lenny was not a fan but I didn't have a problem. We'll be sure to hold on the that rope for you when you and the family come to visit.
We woke up Friday morning and looked out our bedroom window and saw palm trees and mountians! It is beautiful. It is cool at night and warm during the day. It was 78 degrees yesterday which is cold for Californians. It was weird for us to being wearing tee shirts and shorts and almost everyone else is wearing sweatpants and hoodies and Uggs. We worked hard all day and unpack the truck by 1 and brought it back. We thought we got rid of a lot of stuff before we left, we were a little off on that part. So our apartment is filled to the brim with boxes and now its time to organize and find homes for everything. We do have a storage unit that is decivingly big. Good news! Penske is going to pay for a new front bumper!

We still have so much to do. We will probably have a few more blogs over the next week or so as we explore our new home. After that Lenny will take over the reigns and i will start my own separate blog that I will update weekly. I hope you have all enjoyed our journey thus far. It has really be amazing to have you all share in the journey with us. All your feed back and warm wishes have been wonderful. Although you are all so far away, it gives us peace to know that so many of you care and are generally interested. Thank you again for all your good vibes and love. While at moments it has been hard to be so far away, we can be at ease knowing that we can all still interact via social networks and emails. Oh and if any of you have an Xbox 360 look for us online, LennyBreaks and ColleenBreaks. If you have it with Kinect, bonus video chat!

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