Sunday, January 8, 2012

Almost Fell in Love with Virginia

Today started off earlier then yesterday which is a good thing. There was a hiccup that prevented us from leaving until 10. Last night when we pulled into the hotel, we pulled into the right parking lot instead of the left. That does not seem like a problem until we realized that parking lot was not a pull through and we could not reverse the truck and the trailer. We wound up taking the car off the trailer and turning the truck around that way. So the next morning we start to put the car on the trailer again and the front end gets stuck and it CRACKS! It's not bad but it still hurt to watch. We will post a picture tomorrow.

As we drove through Virginia we thought is was beautiful, but it seemed like we were never going to get to the end. When you are driving from New Jersey to California driving through one state for most of the day is very frustrating and leads to cranky pantsness.On the upside Lenny was able to take a lot of pictures during my shift of driving, there were lots of cows, everywhere. We trooped through it and made our stay for the night in Knoxville, TN.

It has been an experience thus far. Although we aren't sight seeing it is a great experience none the less to make this drive as a family. We even got Sam to lay down on the floor of the cab for most of the drive instead of our laps. It's a new adventure for all of us. It's been great for us to be able to just drive and not have anything pressing on our mind and be able to laugh and enjoy each others company.

Every mile closer to California a little more excitement builds up and a little more stress falls away. We can't wait to start the new day! Of course we miss all of your faces like crazy but it is awesome knowing that so many of you want to read the blog and share in our journey.

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