Monday, January 9, 2012

New Time Zone!

Today started better then yesterday, we were able to leave at 9:30 instead of 10 Lol! We made it through all of Tennessee and most of Arkansas. Tennessee was pretty much the same as Virginia...lots of cow! Driving the truck and towing the car is a lot of work and it takes a toll on your body. You fell every bump and I don't think the seat was designed to be comfortable. I think if it was more comfortable we could probably drive longer than we have been. Some how I manage to be the one stuck driving up and down the steep terrain, that is very exhausting. We made it through our first time zone though so it wasn't all bad. We crossed the Mississippi River too! It was overcast most of the day so the pictures aren't too great.

Sam has been really good. He spends most of his time sleeping in the space between the seats, where we made him a makeshift bed. He only really gets anxious when we stop at gas stations but he is otherwise doing well.

There are moments in the drive where you think "I can't wait to get home!" Usually the vision in my head is the one of the house on Attison and then I realize that is not our final destination. I try to picture what our new living room will look like so it's going to take some getting use to. The drive isn't easy, but the end result will be worth it.

We are happy that so many of you are following along on this journey with us by reading the blog. So keep the comments coming they help keep our day interesting!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you stopped in tennessee for bbq, heard that shit is to die for, i just want to know why they make thier bbq sauce thin like water, more pictures please !
